Dr. George Graf, MD

Medical Director

Board-Certified Physician

Dr. Graf is considered a leading authority on addiction medicine and has extensive experience and knowledge with suboxone and the associated treatments for Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) patients. In 2002, Dr. Graf worked closely with UCLA Medical and the FDA to help get suboxone through clinical trials and approved as an FDA-approved drug for Medication-Assisted Treatment.

As a board-certified physician in both internal medicine and anesthesiology, Dr. Graf is an expert in the fields of pain management and addiction medicine. His professional interests include the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic spine pain and chemical dependency. He has broad experience in the performance of fluoroscopically assisted spine interventions and is a pioneer in the development of Opioid Antagonist Detoxification Under Anesthesia.

Dr. Graf’s expertise in medication management and the use of opioids also led him to develop a unique and highly successful approach to managing opioid withdrawal called Ultra Rapid Opioid detoxification.

After serving on the academic faculty at the Yale University School of Medicine, he came to Los Angeles and has been active in the research and development of various anti-nausea and pain medications. Dr. Graf has published numerous articles on various topics in critical care and anesthesia and is currently developing a multidisciplinary rehabilitation and functional restoration program for patients with chronic pain.

Dr. Graf has an impressive academic history, having authored numerous books and articles as well as making a considerable contribution to medical research over the last 30-plus years. He was also an Assistant Professor at both Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).